2017 ThermoChem HT-2000
No longer available
2017 ThermoChem HT-2000
Location:Copenhagen, Denmark
The ThermoChemTM HT-2000 System of ThermaSolutions, is the successor of the first fully integrated system specifically designed and manufactured for intraperitoneal hyperthermia (IPH), originally launched in 1999 by our division ViaCirq. By exploiting heat and harnessing its power, this advanced medical technology offers a new choice in adjunctive surgical therapies. Used intraoperatively, the ThermoChemTM HT-2000 System raises the temperature in the peritoneal cavity by continuously circulating sterile solution throughout the peritoneal cavity.
Manufacturer | ThermoChem |
Model | HT-2000 |
Year | 2017 |
Condition | Used |